Fort Lauderdale Family Law Blog
By: Carol Ann Mazza Date Posted: June 24, 20158:00 pm
Collaborative Divorce: Learn More
Collaborative Family Law Institute (Miami): Collaborative Family Law Professionals of South Florida...
By: Carol Ann Mazza Date Posted: April 27, 201510:54 pm
Helpful Links: On the link below you’ll find a helpful and informative 20-minute film following a...
By: Carol Ann Mazza Date Posted: April 27, 201510:54 pm
Collaborative Law Is In Your Best Interest, Too!
I was driving home the other day and while stopped at a stoplight, I saw a woman and what appeared to be her daughter on a moped. The little...
By: Carol Ann Mazza Date Posted: April 27, 201510:52 pm
Wine, Roses and Pre-Nuptials: Why Are Pre-Nuptials Important?
When a couple is planning to further their relationship through marriage, much planning goes into it. It is a time of love, happiness, hope and...
By: Carol Ann Mazza Date Posted: April 27, 201510:49 pm
Same-Sex Couples Starry-eyed in Wanting Marriage Equality?
I recently attended a seminar in which one of the presenters spoke about the future of Florida family law and, of course, the discussion turned to...
By: Carol Ann Mazza Date Posted: April 27, 201510:48 pm
What Kind of Divorce Story Do You Want to Tell?
So often, when I’ve told someone that I am a family attorney and that I handle divorce cases, they tell me their divorce horror story. How...
By: Carol Ann Mazza Date Posted: April 27, 201510:46 pm
One of the most common questions clients ask about their pending divorce is “what are my rights?”. They usually want to know exactly...
By: Carol Ann Mazza Date Posted: April 27, 201510:45 pm
Divorce affects every family and member of our society in some way or another. It particularly affects children. The statistics vary from 40 to...
By: Carol Ann Mazza Date Posted: April 27, 201510:43 pm
Collaborative Divorce Keeps the Decisions in Your Hands
I read the following post on FB recently, written by a family law litigator: “I am completely disappointed with the ruling received today from...
By: Carol Ann Mazza Date Posted: April 27, 201510:40 pm
Collaborative Practice, including Collaborative Law and interdisciplinary Collaborative Divorce, is a new way for you to resolve disputes...